Well ahead of the contemporary focus now placed on wellbeing in education, Sue Chandler inspired teams to implement research-informed change for the benefit of students at All Hallows’ School for a decade.
Renowned for her warmth, wisdom and compassion, Sue’s professional insights are highly prized. A creative, innovative and approachable leader, she is passionate about delivering positive and impactful programs.
As Head of Wellbeing, building on her earlier role as School Counsellor, Sue led the strategic visioning, implementation and review of our All Hallows’ School Wellbeing Framework.
She was instrumental in the creation, implementation and successful adoption of our Positive Behaviour Strategy and the introduction of Restorative Practice as our fundamental approach to developing positive relationships within our School community.
I have no doubt that in a consultancy setting, Sue’s sage advice and valuable skill set will be of enormous benefit to organisations looking to effect lasting positive change.
Principal, All Hallows' School
Working with Sue has been transformative for MBC.
Her knowledge and wisdom in the science of wellbeing has been instrumental in the development of our wellbeing strategy. Her recent presentation on academic care was an inspiring provocation for teachers as they begin a new academic year and focused us all on ensuring we curate an environment which affirms the wellbeing of the girls in our care.
Sue always delivers innovative and high-quality presentations which challenge us all to be better educators!
Her passion, creativity and ability to think strategically make her a joy to work with; I would recommend Sue to schools keen to drive authentic change in the wellbeing space.
Principal, Moreton Bay College

I have known Sue's work from when she was novice in restorative approaches to problem-solving, through to her now exemplary work healing the harms of conflict in workplaces and schools. Her preparatory work is thorough, and her planning for these often difficult and uncomfortable processes is careful and with a mind to mitigating possible risks.
Sue brings respect, compassion and kindness to this work, along with a deep understanding of what it
is to be human. She is a person of enormous integrity, and is a safe pair of hands to be entrusted with this vital work.
Facilitator, Author, Trainer
Last year our College had a significant issue arise involving student use of social media. This incident caused great harm to our community and one course of action open to us was to seek a resolution to the matter through a Restorative Process. I contacted Ms Sue Chandler to ask her to facilitate the meetings between the students, families and College Leaders.
Sue was simply fantastic. Her preparation and thorough approach ensured the success of the process and achieved the outcomes we were seeking. Sue displayed a calm and considered approach at all times and assisted the participants to navigate the process in a professional and compassionate manner.
I highly recommend Ms Sue Chandler to you as a highly skilled professional facilitator with an excellent knowledge of Restorative Practices. She is an experienced and competent facilitator of restorative conferences and I have no hesitation in recommending Ms Sue Chandler.
Former Principal, Villanova College

Let's Start a Conversation

Sue is the master of the systems that support and optimise respectful relationship-building within a school context. An experienced and wise practitioner in the area of restorative practices, she also brings insight as to how to embed this culture within daily practice.
An engaging presenter, compassionate listener and innovative thinker, Sue has the skills and flexibility to assist diverse school organisations to enrich their core business: working respectfully with people.
Her repertoire of skills in the wellbeing space is impressive and, with a systems-focused lens she brings a depth of understanding that lends itself to establishing longevity of practice in any school in which she works.
We value and enjoy working alongside her in a diversity of contexts within our College.
Principal, Fairholme College